It’s time to recognize the best sermons about God’s Creation. Submit your best ecologically-themed sermon of 2016 for a chance to win a copy of my book, Creation-Crisis Preaching, and to have your sermon published on my blog: Here are the guidelines for submission:
Sermon must have been preached in calendar year 2016.
Preacher must be a resident of the United States.
Age limit: None
One submission per person
Sermon manuscript required (see below for instructions)
No purchase required
Submission must include the following statement:
I hereby state that this submission is my own work and not plagiarized from any other source.
Sermons will be judged on the following criteria:
Sermon clearly addresses a care-of-Creation issue (climate change, pollution, species extinction, extreme energy extraction, etc.).
Sermon frames the Creation-care issue within a faith context.
Sermons connecting the environmental issue with a social justice issue (hunger, eco-racism, health, poverty, refugees, etc.) are encouraged.
Sermon is creative, engaging, and compelling to the listener.
Sermon utilizes strategies for effective introduction, transitions and conclusion.
The writing is clear and precise. Writer uses good word choice, proper syntax and rhetorical cohesiveness.
The writing conforms to accepted rules of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. All primary and secondary sources are properly cited.
Instructions for submission:
Send the sermon as a Word document (.doc or .docx). The heading on the first page should include:
Your name
Your contact info
Mailing address [where the book should be sent if yours is the winning submission]
Name of church or site where sermon was preached, including name of town/city
Date sermon was preached
Statement of copyright (e.g. Copyright 2016, Leah D. Schade)
Submission must include the following statement: I hereby state that this submission is my own work and not plagiarized from any other source.
Submission must include the following statement: I hereby give permission for this work to be published online at I understand that I retain all rights to this work.
If there is video or audio of the sermon, include the link in your submission.
Email your submission to:
The Rev. Dr. Leah Schade:
Submissions are due no later than January 15 at midnight EST.
Winner will be announced by January 31.
Creation-Crisis Preaching: Ecology, Theology and the Pulpit is valued at $29.99. Prize includes free shipping within the continental United States.
Already have the book? If you win, you can give your prize to another budding “ecopreacher”!